Vision & Mission

MISSION Develop an understanding of principles and processes of various aspects of Paramedical & Yoga Courses. Acquaint themselves with basic principles of Par medics and education keeping in view the goals Familiarize with methods, equipment and material of Para medics and education with their effective use. Understand importance of health, nutrition and welfare services for the Patient and the ability to nurture healthy habits, prepare nutritive and inexpensive meals and render first aid in case of minor injuries/accidents. We are about role of parents and community in education of Paramedical, Yoga & Vocational Courses. Develop an understanding of the various tools and techniques of Paramedical & Yoga study. Organize, plan and implement Research & Development programmers Vision 1. To provide Paramedical Yoga & vacational Courses to Women, Poor ,Backward ,Disables ,Minorities with the knowledge and skills which will enable them to run their own Centres and able to give service and remove the name of equality in Education . 2. To provide vocational training this will help them get jobs in the middle levels management. 3. To educate them about social needs of the society/country and to awaken in them a desire to serve. 4. To insure they get better education in particulars Fields for Better Future of Young Generation and The Country.